Prof. Komalben Vinaykumar Kansara

Name: Komalben Vinaykumar Kansara
Designation: Assistant professor
Department: Computer
Date of Join: 27/03/2024
Email Id:
Qualification: M.E Computer
Experience: 1 year (Industry), 5 months (Academics)
 Subject involved: Advanced Java Programming, Object Oriented Programming – 1
Area of Interest: Python, Data Science, Machine Learning
Research Publication (presented/published):
·         Published paper entitled “Non-cryptographic Approaches for Collaborative Social Network Data Publishing – A Survey” in the 4th International Conference on I-SMAC (IOT IN SOCIAL, MOBILE, ANALYTICS AND CLOUD)
Expert Lecture Delivered:
Workshop / Seminar / STTP/ Conference (Attended)
Administrative / Department Duties:
Membership of Professional Bodies:
Participation in other activities and/ achievements:





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