Prof. Foram Nareshbhai Patel

Name: Patel Foram Nareshbhai
Designation: Adhoc Assistant Professor
Department: IT
Date of Join: 16/12/2024
Email Id:  
Qualification: M. E. (computer)
Experience: 6 years 7 months
 Subject involved: Compiler Design , Theory of Computation, System Programming, Data structure, Operating System, Database Management System, Software Engineering
Area of Interest: Data structure, Compiler design, Operating System, C language, Theory of Computation
Research Publication (presented/published):
·         NA
·          “ A Review For Video Mosaicing using Feature Tracking” published in International Journal of  Innovative Research In Technology in April 2016.

·         “Video Mosaicing Using SURF” published in International Journal of  Innovative Research In Technology in June 2016.

Expert Lecture Delivered:
·         NA
Workshop / Seminar / STTP/ Conference (Attended)
Attended the 6th National Conference on “ Emerging vistas of Technology in 21st Century “ organized by Parul University.


Attended the 7th National Conference on “ Emerging vistas of Technology in 21st Century “ organized by Parul University.



Administrative / Department Duties:
Membership of Professional Bodies:
·         NA
Participation in other activities and/ achievements:

·         Online FDP for Design Engineering (level 1)


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