Prof. Himanshu V. Rakholiya

Date of Join: 01/02/2011
Email Id:
Highest Qualification: M.Tech. (CS), SVNIT
Experience: 11 years
Course / Subject involved: Embedded System ,Microcontroller Programing & Interfacing (8051,AVR,PIC,ARM7,ARM CORTEX MO), VLSI, Microprocessor , PCB Design , Digital Electronics, Industrial Automation
Area of Interest: Embedded System, VLSI , Industrial Automation
Research Publication:
Expert Lecture Delivered:
  1. “Interfacing of GSM with 8051” STBS Diploma Engineering College, Surat, Gujarat February 2014
  2. “Microcontroller Programing & Interfacing” at GIDC Engineering College, Navsari
  3. Recent Trends In Industrial Automation ,GEC Surat, Date : 12/09/2020
Workshop / Seminar / STTP: (Attended)

  1. Advancement in wireless Technologies and Applications, SVNIT, Surat on 18-19 December 2008

Seminar :

  1. Advance Design Concepts in Electronics and Telecommunication, Falcon Electro Tek Pvt. Ltd., Surat on 06 December 2012
  2. Challenges & Opportunities in Technical Education in the Era of Sustainable Development , ISTE, CGPIT, UTU, Bardoli on 27th Oct 2015


  1. STTP on “Basic Electronics” organized by SVNIT, Surat on 28 June to 8 July 2011
  2. STTP on “Analog Electronics” organized by SCET, Surat on 4-14 June 2013
  3. FDP on ” NUVOTON NuMicro ARM Cortex-M0 and It’s Applications” organized by     SVNIT, Surat. on 18-19 January 2014
  4. STTP on ” Signal and Systems ” organized by SVNIT, Surat on 2-12 January 2014
  5. STTP on ” Computer Programming ” organized by RK UNIVERSITY, RAJKOT on 16th June – 21st June 2014
  6. STTP on  “ Exploring 32 bit Microcontroller for power Electronics Application” on 21-25th Dec 2015
  7. 1 week STTP on “Universal Human Value” Date: 5/08/2020 to 9/08/2020
  8. 1 week STTP on “Professional PCB designing (Altium)” NITECH, Surat Date: (12-18/10/2020)
  9. 24 week FDP “Embedded System” Vector India Pvt Ltd, Bangalore, Date: 19-11-2020
  10. 1 Week FDP on “Deep learning, Machine Learning and Pattern Recognition” SCET, Surat Date: 24/11/2019 to 29/11/2019
  11. 8 Week STTP on “Embedded System Design with ARM”, Swayam Platform . AICTE Date: 28/01/2019 to 22/03/2019
  12. “Python Workshop” IIT, Bombey Date: 22/06/2019


  1. Two days workshop on “NUVOTON NuMicro ARM Cortex-M0 and It’s Applications” organized by GTU on 18th and 19th Jan, 2014.
  2. Two days FDP on “Embedded Systems and IOT” organized by GTU on 15th and 16th April, 2014.
  3. Two days FDP on “Advances in VLSI System Design & Technology” organized by Charotar University of Science and Technology, Changa on 18-19th Sep 2015
  4. Two days FDP on “Design Engineering” organized by SSASIT, surat on 9,10th Oct 2015
  5. One day workshop on “A Comprehensive Approach to Electrical System Design” organized by SSASIT, Surat on 6th Aug, 2016.
Administrative / Department Duties:
  • CDIAC, Centre Manager (since September, 2016)
  • Lab In-charge – Embedded & Microcontroller Lab
  • T & P Coordinator, EC Department
Membership of Professional Bodies:
  • ISTE-LM100674
Participation in other activities:
  • “Preparation of Fundamental Glossary (English-Hindi-Gujarati) of Broadcasting Terminology”, MHRD, New Delhi, December 2013
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