Prof. Nilam Hirenbhai Patoliya


Name: Nilam Hirenbhai Patoliya
Designation:  Assistant Professor
Department: Information Technology
Date of Join: 24/01/2024
Email Id:
Qualification: MECE
Experience: 2 year
 Subject involved: TOC,CN,IS,DE,IPDC
Area of Interest: Music, Politics, History
Research Publication (presented/published):
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·         –1. Adaptive fingerprint image enhancement techniques and performance evalutions

·         2. Adaptive fingerprint image enhancement low quality of image by learning from the image and features extraction

Expert Lecture Delivered:
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Workshop / Seminar / STTP/ Conference (Attended)
1.      National conference on Emerging Vistas of Technology in 21st Century

2.      National level technical symposium XEnesis’08

3.      National level Techno convection has participate in Online Paper Presentation

4.      Seminar on Cyber Security


Administrative / Department Duties:
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Membership of Professional Bodies:


Participation in other activities and/ achievements:

1.      — Training program on Cloud computing : Revolutionary Trends in IT

2.      Dhoom certificate of excellence for performance in Computer engineering


Book Published:



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