Date of Join: | 1st July, 2011 |
Highest Qualification: | M.Phil. ( Mathematics) |
Experience: | 12 Years 07 Months |
Course / Subject involved: | Calculus, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Linear Algebra & Vector Calculus, Differential Equation, Maths-4, Numerical Methods For Civil engineering, Maths-1, Maths-2, Probability & Statistics,Complex variable and Partial differential equation. |
Area of Interest: | Numerical Analysis & Linear Algebra, Mathematics |
Research Publication: NA | |
National: NA | |
Paper Presentation: NA | |
International: NA | |
Paper Presentation: Paper Published: |
Expert Lecture Delivered: | |
N/A | |
Workshop / Seminar / STTP: (Attended) | |
1. Faculty Development Program in Mathematics during 28-30th Jun. 2012 at Marwadi Education foundation’s Group of Institutions, Rajkot.
2. “Advance Engineering Mathematics: Project-Implementation and Deliverables” on 7th Oct. 2012 at BVM, V.V. Nagar. 3. One week STTP on Numerical Methods in engineering and Science organised by SVNIT, Surat during 01-05 Jan 2014 4. 51th Gujarat Ganit Mandal Adhivation during 6-8th Nov. 2014 at Surat. 5. One Week Short Term Training Programme on “Computational Heat and Mass Transfer”, during 14th -18th Dec, 2015 at SVNIT, Surat. 6. Two week Short Term Course (STC) on Mathematical Methods For Scientists and Engineers during 29th June – 10th July, 2015 at SVNIT, Surat. 7. One day Faculty Development programme (FDP) on “Quality and Innovation” during 14th May 2016 at SSASIT, Surat. 8.Workshop on “ E-Vehicle-Tesla & Mahindra” under theme of “Circular Economy for Productivity & Sustainability conducted by SGPC on 15th Feb. 2019 at SSASIT, Surat. 9. 23rd ISTE State Annual Faculty Convention and National Conference on “Role of Innovation and Human values in Engineering and Technology” held on 15th December 2018, SSASIT, Surat. |
Administrative / Department Duties: | |
1. Member Of Discipline Committee (2012-14)
2. Estate Co-ordinator In Department (2011-14) 3. ACPC committee member for admission year 2012-13 4. ACDPC committee member for admission year 2013-14 5. Nodal Officer Of ACPC Help centre committee since 2015 6. Nodal Officer Of ACPC Help centre for Admission year 2015-16 & 2016-17& 2017-18 7. Time table coordinator (2015) 8. Member of Seating arrangement committee in VIVIR. 9. Bridge course co-ordinator (2015-16). 10. Head Of Department since 9th August, 2014. 11. Coordinator of Induction program (2018-19). |
Membership of Professional Bodies: | |
NA | |
Participation in other activities: | |