Dr.Urvisha M. Lathia

Date of Join: 31/7/2010
Highest Qualification: M.Phil. (Physics) Ph.D. (Physics)
Experience: 13 Years 07 months
Course / Subject involved: Engineering Physics
Area of Interest:  Material science ,Electronics, Nano Technology, Optics.
Research Publication:
Paper Presentation :

  1. Powder XRD,TEM & FTIR  studies of Calcium Tartrate Nano Particles.
  2. Growth and characterization of n- butyl 4 – (3, 4- dimethoxyphenyl) – 6-methyl-2 thixo-1,2,3,4 tetrahydro-pyrimidine – 5 – carboxylate crystals
  3. Dielectric studies of Iron tartrate nano particles.
  4. Dielectric studies of strontium tartrate nano particles.
  5. Electrical studies of strontium tartrate nano particles.
  6. Study of various properties of strontium tartrate and Iron tartrate (A Review)
Paper Presentation

  1. Powder XRD, TEM, FTIR and Thermal Studies of  Strontium Tartrate Nanoparticles.
  2. Review On Strontium Tartrate and Calcium Tartrate Crystals and Their Importance.
  3. Dielectric study of strontium tartrate nano particles
  4. Dielectric study of iron tartrate nano particles

Paper Published:

  1.  Characterization of Calcium Tartrate Dihydrate Nanoparticles International Journal Of Nano Science, VOL – 14, ISSUE 3, ISSN NO. 1793-5350.
  2. Powder XRD, TEM, FTIR and Thermal Studies of  Strontium Tartrate Nanoparticles.American Institute of physics, AIP conference proceedings :1837, 040015 (2017) ;DOI : 10.1063/1.4982099.
  3. Synthesis and characterization of iron tartrate nano particles,Asian Journal of Chemistry VOL 30, (2018) ISSN NO : 0970 – 7077, p no. 2754 – 2760
Expert Lecture Delivered:
Workshop / Seminar / STTP: (Attended)
  1. National Workshop on Functional Oxides Nanomaterials And Devices NWFOND March 1-2 ,2012
  2. National Seminar On Crystallography (NSC 43 B) & National Workshop On CADD SEP 1-3 2014
  3. Two-Week ISTE STTP on Engineering Physics Conducted by IIT Bombay
  4. National Mission on Education through ICT (MHRD, Govt. of India) from 08 to 18 December, 2015
  5. International Conference On Functional Oxides and Nanomaterials November 11-13, 2016.
  6. International Science Symposium on Recent Trends in Science and Technology, Feb 26 & 27,2017.
  7. One day National Seminar on Recent Trends in Experimental Condensed Matter Physics (RTECMP 2017) March 21, 2017.
  8. National conference on recent trends in material science (RTMS-2018), 24 –25, march – 2018.
  9. National research scholar meet on condensed matter physics and material science (CMPMS-18), 8 Dec – 2018.
  10. 23rd ISTE State Annual Faculty Convention and National Conference on “Role of Innovation and Human values in Engineering and Technology” held on 15th December 2018, SSASIT,Surat.
  11. National conference on recent innovations in science, 18 – 19 Jan 2019 .
  12. One week online international faculty development programme on skilling teachers for online education. 2-6 June 2020
  13. International Virtual Conference on INNOVATIVE RESEARCH IN CHEMICAL SCIENCES (IRCS-2020) 29-30 June 2020
  14. International Conference on Emerging Trends in Materials Science – 2021 (ETMS – 2021) March 22 – 23, 2021
  15. AICTE QIP short term course on Principles and Advances in Electromagnetics March 22-27, 2021
  16. Webinar series on advances in material science and technology (WSAMST-2020), 22-26 JUNE 2020
  17. National Level Online Webinar on EPR Spectroscopy and its Applicationsby P. Sami on 26.06.2020
  18. International webinar series on astronomy and astrophysics “A star’s dance at the centre of our milky way galaxy” 19-06-2020
  19. International webinar on “ Listening to the universe with gravitational waves” 19-06-2020
  20. International webinar on “Recent trends in advanced material science” 19-06-2020
  21. 5 day online faculty development program “ Thoretical and practical aspects in applied physics” (TAPAAP -2021) 24 – 28 SEP 2021, Department of applied science, Radha govind group of institutions meerut,(U.P.)
  22. National conference on “Emerging trends in functional oxides and nanomaterials”, 28-29 oct, 2021 organized by department of physics, Saurashtra university, Rajkot.
  23. International conference on advanced materials and mechanical characterization, 2-4 dec 2021 organized by nanotechnology and department of mechanical engineering.
  24. 5 day national level FDP on “Methods of material synthesis”, 18-22 JAN 2022 organized by department of physics and electronics under DBT- star college scheme.
Administrative / Department Duties:
  1. Co-ordinator of Thalassemia/Blood Donation since 2012
  2. Co-ordinator of Thalassemia/Blood Donation/ Bridge Course Committee in july 2017
  3. Co-coordinator of Library committee
  4. Main Co-ordinator in Science Day Celebration in Feb 2016.
  5. Mid sem Exam co-ordinator of 1st year in 2018.
  6. Mid sem exam co-ordinator of 2nd year in 2019.
  7. Bridge course co-ordinator in 2018.
  8. Induction program co-ordinator in 2019.
  9. Mid sem exam co-ordinator of 3rd year in 2020.
  10. Faculty coordinator of PRE Committee- 2021
Membership of Professional Bodies:
Participation in other activities:
  1.  Event Co-ordinator in GTU Techfest (Zonal) general Event, 26-27 Feb.,2016.
  2. Event Co-ordinator in general Evenet Physics Archetypal in vaividhya 2017.
  3. Faculty Co-ordinator in International Yoga Day on 21st  June 2017
  4. Event Co-ordinator in general Evenet Physics paper presentation in vaividhya 2018.
  5. Event Co-ordinator in general Evenet Physics BUZZ in vaividhya 2019.
  6. Registration Co-ordinator in GTU Techfest (Zonal) ,2020.
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